Brought on by the pandemic, the hybrid work model allows for a combination of in-office and remote work at all levels of an organisation. Employees can work onsite or offsite, with many individuals alternating between the two depending on their needs. Wherever they decide to work, employees can have confidence that they can collaborate safely and securely with others and remain productive. The ability to work remotely or onsite, and is determined by the business's needs as well as the employee's responsibilities. This new flexible work structure is made possible by a host of technical advances.
Organisational Challenges For Businesses
Hybrid work calls for changes to organisations' culture as well as to how people work. People frequently refer to the post-pandemic era as the "new normal," and businesses have had to re-evaluate their fundamental beliefs. To work in new ways, truly embracing a hybrid work model necessitates a consistent, coherent message from leadership. Some of us accepted the new ways of working that covid forced upon us, but others yearned for things to go back to the way they were before.
The issue with many organisations is the attitude of leaders, who have firm beliefs about how a workplace should function. But the world has changed. A clear vision and principle must be in place at the top of an organisation. These principles must also be articulated in a way that staff can understand, whilst also emphasising that you are not giving them complete freedom. It's about finding a balance between what's best for an organisation and what's best for employees, and this will vary from business to business.
Technology For A Hybrid Working Model
It is critical to have a good setup both at work and at home. Sometimes you end up with two meetings going on at the same time, one at home and one at the office, and the respective teams are talking over each other. This emphasises the importance of good microphones and cameras that capture the entire room.
We've all heard the excuse, "my internet isn't strong enough," but most video calls require low bandwidth, so all you need at home is a PC and an internet connection, and at the office, it's having the right technology in the meeting room. You could work anywhere, from a noisy London coffee shop to your local gym, if you have a good headset. It is the organisation's responsibility to provide appropriate equipment to employees, as this improves the overall experience.
Employees must be aware of and apply soft skills such as choosing where to sit, how to position themselves, and what they are doing in specific locations. The employer provides the technology, but the employee must keep the practicalities of their work in mind.
The Trend Going Forward
The hybrid mode of operation is the way of the future. We've learned far too much in two years of remote working, and it wasn't necessarily a new thing before that. We simply made better use of it. With the right technology, which is constantly evolving, and employees who have learned to work in new ways. Most people have demonstrated that it works.
Managers may still argue that productivity suffers when employees are at home, but this allows you to evaluate work and employees based on their output. It also allows for recruitment from different parts of the country or even abroad. Employers must now understand that expecting people to work three or four days a week limits their pool of talent when you could search much further afield to get the best people. So, while the system may need some tweaking, it's here to stay.
Create Engagement
Many businesses have implemented coffee breaks or virtual open-door sessions available once a week so anyone can dial that link and come and talk to you. While it does take time away from work, it fosters a long-term healthy work relationship.
A lot of the engagement is dependent on the staff members as there are people who naturally want to be at home or people who want to be in an office. Moreover, there will undoubtedly be a schism because they see themselves as a different type of worker. But it's really about that team coming together to try to have these open and honest conversations, and then you'll see there isn't as much of a divide as people claim. As long as everyone recognises that there are advantages to working from home, there are also advantages to coming in, even if it’s only once a month to socialise.
Benefits Of Hybrid Working
While certain drawbacks, such as a lack of engagement remain, there is no denying that hybrid work is the way of the future, as it delivers various benefits. The most obvious advantage is improved work-life balance, but there are several others. Employees feel more connected with the organisation because they are treated as adults rather than needing to 'appear busy' until 5 p.m. Greater flexibility frequently leads to higher production because staff can work in environments that bring out the best in them.
Employee retention is another significant benefit. Top staff turnover will be high in organisations that are forcing people to return to the office in the coming years — brands should rather keep employees engaged, and retain them for longer periods. The hybrid work model requires a significant transformation in corporate culture, which should be instilled in the brand's voice. Remote work becomes not only viable but effective when technology is employed, making the hybrid work model the work solution for the future.
